M improper packing of tobacco in the bowl can lead to poor draft and insufficient aroma development. But even the very first filling can already be good if you know the proper way of making the preparation.
Therefore, before starting,aking a hookah is not as difficult as many beginners think. Of course, to achieve an excellent result, you need to gain experience and knowledge in practice. The most important thing is to pay attention to improper preparation of the hookah before smoking. A low-quality hookah, poor assembly, or just read our article to avoid all the mistakes and then the result will not disappoint you.
Common Mistakes That Beginners Should Avoid
1. Dirty hookah
If you have a hookah that is not new, or you are unsure that it is clean, be sure to wash it. Only an immaculate device will allow you to feel the taste of tobacco 100%.
2. Water level
You need to pour in enough water so that the lower end of the shaft is immersed in it by 1-2 centimeters. If there is more liquid, the draft will become heavier, which will negatively affect the pleasure and relaxation of the process. And do not forget to change the water after each smoke.
3. Filling the bowl

Do not pack the bowl too tightly or voluminously - it will not be possible to do this without mistakes at the beginning of using the hookah. Follow simple rules:
- Do not allow the tobacco mixture to touch the foil or kaloud.
- Fill the bowl.
- Loosen the tobacco as you pack it.
- This is perhaps the main rule for handling a hookah for beginners.
- Filling the bowl
Also, Read - 10 Hookah Tips and Tricks to Enjoy a Good Smoking Session
4. Lack of warming up
If the manufacturer included instructions for beginners with the hookah, it would say that you should not start the smoking procedure immediately after laying out the coals. The bowl should be warmed up. Smoking too early is extremely harmful to health. Take your time, wait 5-8 minutes, and proceed.
5. Hookah care
Everyone understands that you need to wash the device regularly. The easiest option is to first remove the tobacco mixture with a napkin. Then, when all the components have cooled down, wash them under running water.
For beginners, filling a hookah is always a pleasure. But many people put off the cleaning procedure for later. However, it is important not to leave tobacco in the bowl for a long time. This reduces its service life and can add unpleasant tastes to the next smoke, due to substances absorbed into the surface.
6. Safety precautions
It is important not only to know how to smoke a hookah through a pipe for a beginner but also to follow safety rules. Never leave coals when you leave.
A random wind from the street, children running into the room, a beloved cat - many factors can lead to coals falling on the sofa, carpet, and anywhere else. And this is a direct path to a fire. Putting the coals in a safe place will take no more than 30 seconds. And you will be sure that nothing will burn.
7. Tobacco processing
For beginners, even putting tobacco in a hookah for the first time and doing it correctly can be difficult. But some want everything at once. And having heard bad advice somewhere, they try to cut the tobacco or squeeze it.
However, there is no point in doing this. The manufacturer specially selects the cut and consistency of the mixture in such a way that it reveals its potential to the maximum. After all, its task is for you to like it and buy the same tobacco again.
8. Bonus Mini Tips

In addition to the above, here are a few more important points:
- If you don't know how to choose a hookah for a beginner, just pay attention to the most popular models. This way you definitely won't go wrong.
- In winter, do not leave the flask with water on the balcony. After freezing, it can crack due to the expansion of the liquid.
- Get into the habit of packing your hookah while the coals are heating up on the stove. This will make the preparation process take significantly less time.
- Always heat the coals completely. If you don't, you could be poisoned by carbon monoxide, which will be released in large quantities until the coals are fully lit.
Don't be scared by such a long list of possible mistakes. Once you apply these rules once or twice, they will be followed automatically. Now you know how to smoke hookah for beginners, and we hope that your smokes will be very smoky and aromatic.
In addition, if you want to buy hookah accessories in Bulk for your hookah shop, buy everything you need from Hookah Partner. Here, you can find various types of hookahs including more variety, tobacco, coals, accessories, and much more at a reasonable price. We have a wide range, great prices, and experienced consultants. If you have a question, call or order a call back - we will be happy to help you with your choice.
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